149. Lessons learned from the Logan Clegg murder trial

Presumption of guilt. Consciousness of guilt. The magical shell casing. Testilying. Giving the dogs credit. These are just some of the lessons learned as we wrap up discussion on the Logan Clegg murder case after Maureen spent more than three weeks in the courtroom covering it as a journalist.

We also disscus the latest mass shooting in the U.S., which happened right here in our backyard of Lewiston, Maine, and the giant huge honking red flags that were ignored before Robert Card II shot 18 people to death and seriously injured 13 more on Oct. 25.

Also, Rebecca gives NNW treatment to the Megan vs. Tory documentary on Discovery+

148. Can you murder someone from 3,000 miles away?

Andrew Denton had made it clear he wanted to die. Sidney Kilmartin, living in Manchester, Maine, 3,000 miles away from Denton’s home in England, was determined to make sure that would happen. In December 2011, Kilmartin mailed Denton a deadly dose of cyanide. What happened next tangled up the legal system for years. Rebecca tells the story.

Maureen does an NNW review of the Netflix doc series “I am a stalker.”

Something suddely came up. But now Groovy Tube podcast is back.

We’ll have Episode 148 of Crime & Stuff up shortly. But in the meantime, we have some exciting news! After a nearly four-year hiatus, our other podcast Groovy Tube: The Crimes of the Brady Bunch, is returning Nov. 6. Haven’t listened? Nows the time to catch up.

147. Gay panic: No justice for Frederic Spencer

No one knows why Fred Spencer was in his friend and apartment-mate’s room on the afternoon of April 28, 1973. One thing quickly became clear — he didn’t come out alive. The outcome of the University of Maine graduate student’s case would have widespread tragic implications for decades to come. Maureen presents.

Also, Rebecca does a Negative Nellies Watching review of the hit film “Barbie.”

146. Amber Cummings: A special justice

No one in Belfast, Maine, who knew James Cummings liked him very much. But was it OK for his wife, Amber, to shoot him to death as he slept? Turns out, it very well may have been.

Rebecca explains.

Maureen gives an NNW review to the audio version of the book “Vanished in Vermillion,” by Lou Raguse.

145. Amie Riley Unfinished Justice

When Amie Riley disappeared from a Manchester, New Hampshire, bar on August 15, 2003, her boyfriend, mother and friends were frantic, but police weren’t. Not even a little bit. Eight months later, when her remains were found, the investigation led to an imperfect justice. In fact, you could say someone got away with murder. Maureen presents.

Rebecca also gives NNW treatment to the Netflix doc The Perfect Bid.

144. James Cameron the worst kind of criminal

When police visited James Cameron’s house in Maine in 2007 and took his computer, among other things, most people figured there was just one crime he was likely being investigated for. And they were right – child porn. That was the beginning of a long legal circus orchestrated by the man who until his arrest was one of the state’s top drug prosecutors. And his conviction wasn’t even the end of it. Rebecca tells the story.

Maureen also NNW’s the book “The Real Lolita.”

143. Gerald Goodale Part 2: Janet Brochu

In June 2021, we brought you Gerald Goodale Part 1, the 1988 murder of Geraldine Finn. At the time her killer, Goodale, had just been arrested for the 1987 murder of Janet Brochu. His case has finally gone to court, so we we bring you Goodale’s first murder, one that could’ve been solved before he went on to kill Geraldine Finn.

Rebecca has an update on Shaun Harrison, the topic of Episode 96, and why he’s racked up some more prison time.

Also, Rebecca has no beef with the Netflix doc “Beef.” She gives it the NNW treatment.

142. The forgotten murder of Lillian MacDonald

Lillian MacDonald was just doing her job, passing out the pay envelopes on July 12, 1930, when she disappeared from her Portland, Maine, place of employment. Her grisly murder wasn’t the only injustice that happened to her as the case unfolded. Rebecca presents.

We also share some feedback from “Old Growth Murder” documentarian Tom Olsen, after we did an NNW review of his film in Episode 139.

And, this episode, Maureen NNWs the Netlfix docuseries “Meltdown: Three Mile Island.”

141. The sad tale of Rosie Ruiz

People will say that in 1980, Rosie Ruiz “came out of nowhere” to win the women’s race in the Boston Marathon. But it soon became clear she came out of the crowd a half mile from the finish line.

In the week that followed, it was revealed she also didn’t finish the October 1979 New York Marathon, despite her recorded 2:56.31 finishing time. As more revelations followed, Ruiz became the poster girl for cheating, and is still vilified online to the this day. But the story was a lot more complicated in that, some of it rooted in the stodgy culture of the Boston Marathon in that era and the misogyny that still colored it in 1980, eight years after women were finally allowed to run. Maureen tells the story.

Rebecca also gives NNW treatment to “My Cat from Hell.”

140. Metal Mayhem and Murder

Norway’s Black Metal music scene in the late 1980s and early 1990s brought together young men who, giving themselves nicknames like Necro Butcher and Hell Hammer, aimed to shock and act out more than make music, But the hijinks gave way to arson, suicide and murder, with the band Mayhem and its pschopathic leader Euronymous at the center of the storm. Rebecca tells the story.

Also, Maureen gives the NNW treatment to the 27-hour audio version of the book “Monster,” by Steve Jackson.

139. The Killing Bones: When grave looting leads to murder

The crime of looting indigenous ancestral sites in the U.S. and around the world goes back centuries. Professor Liz makes a special guest appearance to school us on how archeological looting has led to murder in her adopted home state of Oregon.

She also briefly updates the Michael Francke case, and Maureen updates the latest sanctions agains the corrupt Louisville, Kentucky, police department as well as the charges against former British police officer and convicted murderer Wayne Couzens.

Rebecca and Maureen also do a dual NNW review of the documentary “Old Growth Murder.”

138. New details on the trail to Logan Clegg’s arrest

Episode 133 told part of the story of what led police to arrest Logan Clegg in the April 2022 double murder of Djeswende and Stephen Reid in Concord, New Hampshire. With the release of the 25-page Concord Police Department affidavit filed in support of his arrest, we learn so much more, including stories from people who may have crossed his path at the Broken Ground Trail preserve in the months and weeks before the Reids were killed, the story behind the Burnt Tent Site and what Clegg told Concord police after he was arrested.

Rebecca also gives an NNW review to Prince Harry’s memoir “Spare.” (The audio book)


137. The mysterious final ride of Rita Maze

The second-to-the-last time Bob Maze heard from his wife Rita, she was on her way home to their Great Falls, Montana, home from visiting relatves in Helena, 90 minutes away. The last time he heard from her was 10 hours later and she was calling from the trunk of her car after being attacked and abducted. Rita was later found dead in the trunk in Spokane, Washington. The mystery of her three-state odyssey may never be fully understood. Rebecca tells the story.

Maureen takes a look at Netflix The Pez Outlaw in this episode’s NNW.

136. The many victims of Brian Walshe

You may have heard the Brian Walshe — arrested Jan. 17 on charges her murdered his missing wife, Ana — was once convicted of fraud “for selling two fake Andy Warhol paintings for $80,000.” That’s like saying the Titanic took on a little water. Walshe’s Warhol fraud was a long con that spanned five years, had multiple victims, involved several pieces of art both real and forged, and cost those he ripped off more than half a million dollars. That the FBI knows of. And that’s just part of the story. When Ana Walshe disappeared, Brian Walshe’s house of con and fraud cards had been toppling for years. Think you know the story? Think again.

Also, Rebecca gives an NNW review to the Netflix doc The Hatchet-Wielding Hitchhiker.


135. Arnold Nash and his final escape

Arnold Nash was a “career criminal.” He was also a career escape artist from the Maine State Prison System. And the funny thing was, he was escaping because he wanted to stay incarcerated. His crimes escalated as his need to be in prison grew, until someone lost a life. Rebecca tells the story.

We also update Episode 24, finally, “the Fitbit murder.” And Maureen gives NNW treatment to the Hulu doc “My Old School.”

134. Maine 2022 Homicide List: It’s not a drug problem, it’s a life problem

Thirty people died of homicide in Maine this year (not including the two perpetrators in murder-suicides), the most recent on Christmas Day. That’s the most since 2008, when there were 31.

While the state’s drug problems get a lot of attention — as they should — 2022 Maine homicides show that, as always, nowhere are Mainers in more danger of being killed than in their own home by someone who should love them.

We take a look at the 2022 homicides as they unfolded, from Eva Cox, 58, on Jan. 8 in Lubec, to Makinzee Handrahan, 3, in Edgecomb on Dec. 25.

Rebecca also gives an NNW review to the Amazon series Three Pines.

Episode 133: Wendy and Steve Reid cross Logan Clegg’s deadly path

When Djeswende and Stephen Reid were shot while out for a walk in the woods in Concord, New Hampshire, police said the public was not in danger, even though they didn’t know who did it and didn’t have solid leads for weeks. But it turns out the public WAS in danger, from a man whose history of violence and illegal gun possession didn’t stop him from being armed that deadly day.

We take you step by step through what happened before and after the Reids and Logan Clegg met in the woods, and how a six-month investigation, that focused on the smallest of details, led to Clegg’s arrest just hours before he planned to step on a plane to Germany.

Also, Rebecca gives the NNW treatment to the Apple+ show “Bad Sisters.”

Episode 132: Azita Jamshab, there’s no insurance against murder

Azita Jamshab, 29, and newly divorced was ready to move from Maine to Las Vegas and start a new life. But her insurance agent, who was also the beneficiary on her life insurance policy, had a different plan. Rebecca presents.

Maureen updates Episode 72, the Cocoanut Grove fire, and Episode 125, Katahdin Kills and Doesn’t Care, and takes the NNW machete to the Discovery plus documentary “My Name is Bulger.”

Episode 131: The serial killer and the Lady in the Dunes

The Lady in the Dunes case — a murdered woman found in the dunes of Cape Cod on July 26, 1974 — may have gone cold shortly after she was found, but the case lived on in New England as an enduring mystery, and then became an internet sensation. When she was finally identified on October 31 as Ruth Marie Terry, whose Tennessee family had been looking for her for nearly 50 years, what came next would be a shocker.

Using newspaper archives, we take a long, deep look at her suspected killer, who may have gotten away with four murders before he married, then killed, Ruth Marie Terry.

Rebecca also gives the NNW review treatment to “Magpie Murders” — the book and the TV show.


Episode 130: Lottery winner Michael Allen’s losing ticket

Michael Allen had been living large in the nine years since 1988, when he’d won $5.8 million in the lottery. The problem was, he didn’t really know who his friends around town in Lewiston, Maine, were. Then one night, two of them lured him to a motel room… he didn’t live to see the morning. Rebecca reports.

We also give the Discover+ show “Real Life Nightmare” the NNW treatment, introducing our new Copaganda category.

Episode 129: The thing about murder in Ireland

When Ashling Murphy was attacked and killed in broad daylight by a stranger on a well-used path in Tullamore, Ireland, shock and anger reverberated across the small country. Her murder renewed vows that attitudes toward women in Ireland had to change.

But where’s the same outcry when women and children are killed by a man who isn’t a stranger? You might well ask Miriam Burns, killed in Killarney in August, or Lisa Cash, 18, and her siblings, twins Chelsea and Christy Crawley, killed in Dublin in September. Or all the other victims of domestic violence in Ireland.

Ireland isn’t that much different that many other countries, with the exception that its homicide rate is very low. But with domestic violence leading to more than half of Ireland’s murders, we look at the disconnect between murders like Murphy’s and the majority of others.

We also have updates on Episode 127, missing Jill Sidebotham and Lydia Hansen; and episode 123, Sophie Sergei’s murder.

And Rebecca gives the NNW treatment to the Netflix doc “I Killed My Father.”

Thanks for your patience during our absense! Vacation morphed into technial difficulties. We’re glad to be back.

We’ll be back after this short break

Miss us already? We’re taking a short break, but we’ll be back the first week of October with an exciting new episode. Thanks for all the support and thanks for listening. Meanwhile, check out our “More Stuff” page, where we’ve posted some of the video footage we discussed in Episode 128.

Episode 128: Burning down ‘hell’

In one week, three arson fires in Lewiston, Maine’s Tree Streets downtown neighborhood made dozens of residents homeless, destroyed millions of dollars worth of property and added pain to the already hardscrabble existence of the state’s poorest inner city. Police were quick to arrest four people in the unrelated fires — including two children — but was there justice? Rebecca explores.

We also update Episode 96: Just who WAS Shaun Harrison; Episodes 77: The police war on Black women and 95: Johnetta Carr justice delayed; and Episode 127: Where are Jill Sidebotham and Lydia Hansen?

And Maureen gives the NNW treatment to a documentary very close to her heart, if not anyone else’s.

Episode 127: Where are Jill Sidebotham and Lydia Hansen?

Jill Sidebotham and her daughter, Lydia Hansen, were last seen by their family on June 27 in Springvale, Maine, when they left with Lydia’s father (Jill’s former boyfriend) on what he described as a “camping trip.” The last confirmed sighting was on surveillance camera at the Mexico, Maine, Walmart on July 2. Jill and Lydia were expected home June 30, but no one has heard from them since. Her family and friends are adamant that she would not have taken off without saying anything, and find it unlikely she’d willingly go anywhere with Hansen.

The Sanford Police Department issued an alert seeking their whereabouts on July 3. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has added Lydia to its list.

In this episode, we discuss the search for the two — and Nick Hansen — as well as Hansen’s history of violence.

We also have an update on the arrest of Raymond Lester (Episode 126.2), charged with murder in the death of Nicole Mokeme, as well as an update on what’s been going on with Uber and sexual assult these days (Episode 12).

Rebecca does her NNW recommendation on the books of K.L. Slater.