We’re sisters and fans of crime in all its true and untrue forms. Maureen is a mystery novelist and former journalist, Rebecca is a mother, kitchen designer, artist and crime aficionado. We may like crime and all the stuff that comes with it, but we don’t always agree.
We live in Maine, and despite the state’s low crime rate, or maybe because of it, we can’t stop talking about crime, mysteries and all sorts of other stuff and hope you’ll join us.
We’re not investigators or even investigative reporters. We’re two sisters who are fascinated by crime stories, both true and fiction, and want to share them with you. We take a story in the news, or something else that interests us and we go the extra mile (or couple of yards) to find out everything we can and give you the details through our own filter of cynicism and hangriness (yes, that’s a thing). We don’t have all the answers, but we don’t care.
We like to think it’s the podcast you’d do if you didn’t have better things to do.
We spice things up with “Ask a Lawyer” each episode, featuring criminal defense lawyer Matt Nichols of Nichols and Churchill in Portland, Maine (see Matt’s info, below), as well as recommendations for books, movies, TV shows, podcasts and other stuff we like, so we know you will too.
Here’s a little taste of what it’s like to be with us for a couple minutes, on the road:
Also featured on Crime & Stuff: Each week we ask criminal defense lawyer Matt Nichols, of Nichols & Churchill of Portland, Maine, a hard-hitting question that our listeners want answers to. Or just some bull we’re curious about and saw on TV. Have a question for our lawyer? Email us at [email protected], Tweet at us at @crimeandstuff or send us a Facebook message at Crime & Stuff on Facebook. We’ll read your question on the air! Possibly.
Interested in hosting a podcast, or getting cool professional stats for the podcast you have? Click the link below and check out blubrry! We couldn’t do it without them.
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