Episode 81: From Yoga Twins to Ghislaine, we’ve got updates

That’s right, listeners! Time for one of our classic summer update episodes. We catch you up on the Yoga Twins, our Episode 1 stars, all the way through Ghislaine Maxwell, with lots in between including some impassioned rants, as always.

And check out our new logo!

Episode 77: Say her name – the police war on Black women

From Breonna Taylor to Atatiana Jefferson to Eleanor Bumpurs and more, the number of Black women killed by police is mind-blowing, particularly those killed in their own homes. It’s all for no good reason. We try to at least take a look at the tip of the iceburg and shine a ittle light on it.

Our Negative Nellie Reviews this epiosde continue the conversation, about race, white privilege and what really happens when the police burst into someone’s home, with the documentaries “The Rachel Divide,” and “Peace Officer.”